Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Daoism, Confucianism, and Shinto Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Daoism, Confucianism, and Shinto - Essay Example Too much of something is poisonous. For example, overeating results in physiological harm; therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to the body’s self-regulating mechanisms. The passage also cautions against reliance on material things as the ultimate source of happiness by inferring that people only need what is enough to lead a prosperous happy life. For example, social relationships that nurture and provide affection are crucial for sustaining happiness. In my opinion, this passage stresses on the importance of understanding oneself before attempting to understand others. In doing so, one will be able to behave in a manner that mirrors their principles while at the same time respecting the opinions of those around them. For example, when one understands that dishonesty appalls them, they will behave in a trustworthy manner, which in turn sends out a signal to others to do the same while interacting with the individual. Daoist teachers negated principles advanced by adherents of Confucianism. They focused on comprehending the nature of reality, ordering life morally, practicing rulership, increasing longevity, and regulating their diet and consciousness (Molloy, 2010). At the core of their ideologies lay naturalness (ziran), effortless action (Wu wei), and teachings about how to become a realized person (zhenren) or sage (shengren) (Molloy, 2010). In addition, they believed it was useless to try to oppose the nature by intervening, as they believe nature had its own way of intervening to end imbalance in the society. For example, Daoist teachers implored rulers to refrain from using weapons as a means of ending social problems, as they believed nature would mitigate the problem. Daoist teachings in their entirety mirror its adherents’ belief in change, which they inferred defined life’s reality. They also believed that the â€Å"Dao† was inexplicable, as it surpassed all conceivable phenomena. However, it was attainable through effortless

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